16 June 2006

In response to the need...

The more I interact with people in leadership, the more I believe a conversation is necessary. Beyond a video or a lecture, people need to dialogue about the difficult and complex world of leadership. Leadership carries with it unique challenges unlike any other sphere of life. Leadership undulates to impact not only our positions of influence and the measure of effectiveness we experience in work or ministry- but also to our sense of identity, our families and our general well-being. When leadership is good, life tends to be good. But the nature of leadership itself involves change and challenge. As a result, ambiguity develops, complexity rises, and the leader struggles for answers. Unfortunately, in response to this reality, the content of leadership has often only been comprised of trite and insufficient cliches. Leadership is demanding. Leaders often feel alone. They need to express thoughts and process principles- and the need for encouragement has never been greater.

My heart for leaders and my experience in leadership has brought me to create this blog and provide a community for people to interact- people who happen to be leaders- people who want to make a difference. My prayer is that I will be an encouragement to you, that together we will inspire each other to continue and to conquer, and that joy will be ours in the journey of leadership.



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